Wednesday, November 27, 2013

 Jar of oil collage with dreidel wrapping paper cut outs

 Latkes frying pan

menorah out of playdough
 acting out the Yidden hiding in caves and learning Torah

 Dreidel counting

 Dreidel color sorting

 dreidel patterns

Thursday, November 21, 2013

 Yud daled kislev

 Yosef's colorful coat

 Yosef in the pit

The alter rebbe on the boat

 The black wagon plus horses and wheel that you can take on and off

 practicing  using a dropper and mixing colors to create new colors

 letters with pop-sickle sticks

 Yosef's dreams

 Yosef's coat

 Painting our menorah

Thursday, November 14, 2013

 Matching each Rebbe to It's number
 Tes Kislev Farbrengen
 Alef beis Lotto
 Making a Refuah Shleima card for our classmate

Chuppah craft

acting out the parsha
 Yaakov and Leah under the Chuppah
 counting shells and putting the right amount of shells in the egg carton corresponding to the numbers
 The 3 things Yaakov prepared himself with, Paper siddur, present with animals in it and bow and arrow
 alef beis in shaving cream mixed with paint
 Yaakov's family standing in order when meeting Esav

Thursday, November 7, 2013

 Putting 12 stones around Yaakov
 adding the ladder out of popsickle sticks
 now Yaakov's  head rest on one big stone
 Meir making a picture of Yaakov's journey, from his house till Har hamoria to the well to Lavan's house