Thursday, October 31, 2013

 helping cut vegetables for the lentil soup

 transferring lentils
 acting out the story with Yaakov and Esav and the selling of the Bechora
 eating our lentil soup

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

 finding lima beans with alef beis letters on them in the rice and putting them on the right letter
 making a feh and sof with foam blocks

If you finish snack you can read a book till snack time is over. Look how cute, this is how I found them reading together!
 alef beis fishing game
 opposites activitie
 playing wuth yaakov and esav

 practicing transferring with tongs and sorting yellow and green pom poms

 Saying lechaim at our Chof Cheshvan Farbrengen

 making bracelets like Rivka
 Shabbos Party

Thursday, October 24, 2013

 tracing letters with finger paint

 doing our daily jobs

 playing with eliezer rivka and the ten camels at the well

 Alef beis hunt and reading the letters we found

 helping to paint for our Chof Cheshvan Bulletin board
 making Chof's and Peh's with playdough

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Parshas Vayeira

 Some more practicing to set the table for our guest/ Shabbos
 making alef beis with a mix of baking soda and water.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

 Mazal tov Devori

 Mazal tov Baila Rochel

 Practicing how to set the table for guest with our example place mat.

sorting healthy and unhealthy food.
Making cookies for our guest (KIta Alef)

        Welcoming our guest and serving them first
Playing with Avraham's tent  + 3 malachim.